Thursday, May 17, 2018

Our highlights from Salesforce at the 'Trailblazers' Conference

Bella at Salesforce

I've worked with many Marketing Email Marketing and CRM tools, from Microsoft Dynamics and Click Dimensions to Hubspot, Eloqua, and MailChimp, to Marketo. I've been most impressed with Salesforce, and Pardot, particularly in the quality of their support. Salesforce and Pardot are truly built to work together as a combined sales enablement (Salesforce) and Marketing/CRM/Email tool (Pardot).

Ronan Twohig, Account executive, Salesforce, Emer Merriman, Marketing Specialist, Salesforce and Isabella Hernandez, Marketing Executive, Buzzmove

My colleague and I, Bella Hernandez, met up with our team at Pardot in the SMB arena at the excel center in the Docklands. It was great to see Ronan Twohig again and meet Emer Merriman.

Straight away we were deep into a conversation about how I could make some adjustments to better integrate Salesforce with Pardot. Then right away, I was like 'hey Emer, I want to get a better insight into our Marketing ROI. How can I best accomplish that?'

B-2-B Marketing analytics - What we may be missing

Emer asked me about our product suite, and it turned out that we are missing one component that can achieve this, the B-2-B analytics suite. We fixed up a demo next week, so I can best understand this and then, hopefully, remedy the situation.

But also We're going to talk through a couple of those questions I had about the best practices in Salesforce/Pardot integration.

Ronan then asked me 'hey, Rudy, how is that rolling out and implementing Pardot coming along, the one you mentioned a couple of months ago when we were at the Shard?'

Bella asking the Salesforce trailblazer scout for directions 

I was happy to report to Emer and Ronan my first 2 months' progress; I wrote my marketing plan, pitched it, and had it was agreed by my CMO, in the first week. By the following week, I had implemented Pardot for all our campaigns.

Emer said 'wow, two weeks, that's amazing!'  But it's no big deal - Pardot is easy to use, and there's plenty of content and people to guide you if you get stuck.

In fact, it's worked so well that I've even begun using it for more extensive B-2-C lists, of over 80,000 contacts, that's despite B-2-C not being in my job description. But in the start-up world, you do what you can to help.

Why do I love these Salesforce headphones so very much? 
1. Is it the cute logo? 2. is it that they light up with a warm glow? 

Yes, all our contact data is now inside of Salesforce, we are fully integrated, and we are running a range of campaigns from LinkedIn inmail, to events, to Email. Not only that, but the data quality is far better and more actionable by the sales team than it was previously.

I have also set up lead scoring and marketing automation, including nurture campaigns; we can roll this out for all other parts of our business too.

Ronan Twohig kindly suggested that I come and present what I've accomplished in Pardot at a Salesforce conference coming up, which sounded cool. Small businesses actually generate over 1/3 of Salesforce's total revenue.

The keynote was terrifically entertaining and informative; the CMO, Simon Mulcahy, is a natural presenter and he brought on some real powerhouses of digital and b-2-b marketing, from Ulster Bank (part of RBS) and Adidas, to run some live demos. The marketing feats they had accomplished using Salesforce were quite mind-blowing.

Simon Mulcahy, CMO, of Salesforce, hitting it out of the park with his keynote.

I was particularly taken with Simon's concept of 'trailblazers' - how it's people like 'us' - intrepid pioneers, innovators, game-changers, who are doggedly trying to improve the organizations we work for; we are the ones who are driving growth in our companies. That was a powerful message.

Which CRM provider dominates now?

There are a plethora of platforms right now. Which will dominate five years from now, in 2023 and beyond?

Along the way, I ran into a few old colleagues and friends. Bella and I had a good chat with Pedro Jose, a rockstar Sales engineer at Vlocity, a Salesforce company. I worked with him at Sigma. Pedro was pivotal in signing our biggest deal last year with Telstra, for $15 Million.

Pedro Jose, Director of Solutions Consulting at Salesforce.

He worked like a maniac on Telstra, flying back and forth from his home in Portugal to Sydney, Australia, many times. He was 'all over it'! That deal was also important from a marketing perspective; since it was our first big account in the APAC region.

I'm glad to report that Pedro was thrilled at Vlocity, performing exceptionally well and being treated even better by Salesforce.

We rounded off the day with Bella rocking the floor of over 5000 salesforce event attendees with her killer tunes, breaks and massive bass.

What I got out of the event

1. I learned valuable information that will make me a more productive marketer and will enable me to carry out more effective marketing at my company.

2. I connected with those who can help me in my journey; not least of all some of the salesforce team. This was sadly lacking when I ran global demand generation at my last company (with another CRM provider).

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Financial Management for start-ups

Most founders of start-ups want to end up in one of two places; Becoming a public company (by having its IPO) or being acquired by another company. Each of these scenarios has played out at 2 of the last three companies I’ve worked at. If, as an entrepreneur, you want to reach either of these goals, someone in your organization must have a good grasp of finance.

It's been about ten years since I completed my MBA, but all the lessons remain fresh in my memory. I majored in Finance, so I was fortunate to have studied with many, primarily US (my business school was in the USA) finance professionals from organizations like BlackrockState StreetFidelity, and Bain Capital. I was even more fortunate to have completed an internship at a New York Investment Bank, Bryant Park Capital

During my internship and studies, I learned a lot about - valuing companies, presenting financial data to investors, and PowerPoint (doh! I'm an MBA, of course!). Most importantly, I started to understand the special language that Finance professionals use; Market Cap, Fifo/Lifo, beta, default risk premium, arbitrage, hedging and so on..

Back at business school, I hit it off with one of my professors, Don Margotta, who is an expert on corporate governance and shareholder activism. I want to share a few of the ideas here, that ignited my passion for Finance.

He encouraged me to take a PhD in finance, specializing in Corporate Governance (using my Law degree from LSE). But the idea of starving for five years, straight after spending two years studying for an MBA, was a bit much for me.

Here are some of the finance books, that I've found inspirational; Liar's Poker, Barbarians at the Gate, and Black Swan (where Nassim Taleb proceeded to pull apart all the concepts I'd devoted hundreds of hours learning in my Statistics classes).

First, Time value of Money. This one is crucial. A pound today is worth more than a pound you get tomorrow, which is worth more than a pound you make the next day, and so on. The interest rate drives this value.

If I said all Finance calculations stem from this one idea, I wouldn't be far wrong. For example, you could get a good read on the value of a company by using this method to calculate the present value of all it's future cash flows.

Or if you thought the company had legs, you could use the perpetuity equation here:
PV of a Perpetuity = PMT/I
PMT = $1,000,000
Interest rate = 2.5%
Company Value = $40 Million

When they start negotiations, many Investment Bankers will use earnings multiples to value a company; these vary for industries and countries, one may be x 4, some may be x 20. You will use the EBITDA figure for a company - Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization, which is a standard measure of a company's operating performance. Here's an excellent example of one such valuation, using two parameters - High & Low:

At Bryant Park Capital, I began using Capital IQ, to find comparable public company data to estimate a Private Company's value. I also used Bloomberg, when I was at MFS Investments, for the same.
I hope I've given you some ideas about valuing your start-up.

I have concentrated on Financial value in this article. However, it's important to remember that a large company will sometimes buy a startup because of its strategic value rather than its financial value.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Enterprise level marketing for your start-up, with Salesforce's Pardot

Tommie O'Brien (pictured below, right) at Salesforce, kicked off the presentation at the Shangri La Hotel on the 34th floor of the Shard (pictured below, left, view from the Shard). I was deeply impressed by the demo, which illustrated a relatively high level of sophistication for Small businesses.

For example, when setting up workflows, they demonstrated a real-time and highly effective way to re-engage prospects that hadn't signed up for an email offer; by sending them targeted ads across Facebook, LinkedIn and AdWords.

Marketing Automation lies at the heart of most Start-up demand-generation programs. During my career, I have run Marketing Campaigns using various tools, from Salesforce, Marketo, Hubspot, Dynamics, and more. Last year I had to learn to use Microsoft Dynamics with Clickdimensions whilst running global campaigns for a company of around 500 employees, Headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

Currently, I'm switching from using Microsoft Dynamics to Salesforce. I've never learned to run campaigns in Pardot, so I thought that this session would be particularly helpful. After just 3 weeks, I can tell the level of support on Pardot is streets ahead of Microsoft Dynamics.

I had to learn to use Dynamics by reading manuals and watching videos online. Particularly challenging was trying to coordinate fixing several severe bugs in the system with our IT team based in Canada.

The Salesforce team initiated some helpful discussions around lead generation forms - often, these forms ask for too much information. I know I have been guilty of this. According to Salesforce, 3-5 questions maximum is the standard and really first name and email are enough. The part of the talk devoted to the automation workflow was fascinating and got me thinking about how I run campaigns.

And they had some great insights on Lead scoring; they talked about the usual ones, like Job title and company revenue. But there were some surprises. This slide shows that they can track your prospect's sentiments about your company and products across social media like this:

That can give your sales and marketing team an edge over your competition. Pardot can also allow you to create buyer personas within Salesforce so that you can use these to gauge your ideal prospect for even more accurate lead scoring. But what really blew me away was the analytics on the dashboard and Pardot's ability to measure marketing campaigns' effectiveness in a way that will appeal to CFOs and CEOs.

You can demonstrate return on investment for entire programs and dig in at the granular level to show what specific leads generated what specific revenue. As a metric-driven marketer with an MBA in Finance, I aim to accomplish this.

Tommie told some great anecdotes with his classic Irish wit; I couldn't help thinking Tommie would go down a storm in my old hometown, Boston, which is pretty much run by Irish Americans. And, of course, they love anyone from the old country, particularly if he or she has a lot of drive and a good sense of humour.

One of Tommie's best stories was about him setting up a new internet provider in his new home. The provider was terrible, and he was forced to contact them multiple times whilst suffering from flu and working from home.

He received prospecting advertisements and emails from the company, which only exacerbated his annoyance with their poor service. Imagine how much money this company is throwing out the window!

At the end of the talk, Rory O'Neill, Data and Systems Manager at the Drum came to talk about his experience using Pardot. I know the Drum very well. When I was at Visual IQ (now part of Nielsen), we exhibited at several events.

I learned in the presentation that Rory is responsible for sending 35 Million emails a year. My last email contact list was 30,000 strong (B-2-B) and the largest I've worked with was 400,000 (B-2-C).

I asked him a question at the end, seeking his advice as to what first steps he would take if he was in my shoes, rolling out Pardot at my company. He recommended that the most important was that I consult with the sales team and get them on board with our plan. He also offered to give me some advice on that if I got in touch with him. I will definitely take Rory up on his generous suggestion.

For more information on how to set up Marketing automation for your B-2-B business, sign up for my free guide here

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Moonshot thinking to unleash innovation

Before you say, yeah, right, but moonshot thinking is a waste of time, take a look at this slide below.

While moonshot thinking only gets 10% of the Company's budget, it is responsible for generating 70% of the revenue in the long run.

Yes, Moonshot projects are, by their very nature, hard to quantify, but Dr. Pablo Rodriguez demonstrates that these projects are nevertheless crucial to an organization's growth. 

It's worth trying to solve those crucial but seemingly impossible problems, especially ones that may only come to a head 5 or 10 years from now. You could transform your Company or even yourself!

We played a great exercise where we were asked to count the number of red balls on this slide in 10 seconds. Quite a few got the correct answer - 10. However, when Dr. Pablo Rodriguez asked us to tell us how many green balls there were, no one answered right. There were fewer of them and they were larger.  

This demonstrates the danger of over-focus. By being so intent on solving one problem, you may completely miss solving a much greater, more significant, and simple solution. Many scientific discoveries were made 'by accident', so counting the green balls, when the exercise measured the red.


A good example is when Sir Alexander Flemming invented Penicillin, the first antibiotic. He made this discovery when testing bacteria. However, if He hadn't been experimenting, he would not have made this 'mistake' that changed the world and the face of medicine.

One of my marketing professors at Northeastern University has demonstrated this issue with a paper looking at how over-reliance on marketing dashboards can hinder creativity and innovation within this function.

The problems Alpha has solved, whether for improving performance at Telefonica, radically changing health habits across the globe, or bringing power to underdeveloped regions, all required phenomenal, high-performing, cross-functional teams. 

I asked Pablo how he selected his teams; his answer surprised me. I thought he would say that He chose the most talented individuals. But He said that He picked those who had the greatest passion for solving problems. 

If you think you might be that person, Alpha is hiring right now. They are owned by Telefonica but, despite having Telefonica's CEO José María Álvarez-Pallete López, on their board, they are fully independent of it.

Pablo has worked as an entrepreneur, at various start-ups in Silicon Valley, and in Academia. He showed the curve of an idea, where Academia often can do best in advancing innovation at the very early stages. In a later stage, it could be a start-up. Dr Rodriguez's projects sit in the middle of that, between Academia and start-ups. 

He makes a great point that in the 20th Century, the government primarily initiated innovation; The creation of the internet, the human genome project, and yes, of course, NASA pioneering the first men to the moon were all government-backed missions. 

But now, far more innovation is driven by corporations. This can come in many forms; Alpha, an innovative organization owned by Telefonica; or a Start-up like Cloudlock, founded by one of my classmates in the MBA Programme at Northeastern University Business School, and bought last year by Cisco for $293 Million 

This was a brilliant lecture, as good as the one I attended on Venture Capital. I thoroughly commend Professor Milan Vojnovic and Dr Pablo Rodriguez.

If you are still sceptical about Moonshot thinking after reading this, I want to leave you with a great quote about it from one of the founders and CEO of Google:

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Should Telcos be getting a bigger bite of the digital economy ‘Pie’?

The big issue in the Telecommunications industry right now is declining margins. The past several years have been tough for telcos. Their revenue and cash flows have dropped by an average of 6 percent a year since 2010.

These firms can address this issue, by improving the speed of delivery of new products, reducing order fall out and simplifying and improving their customer experience.
When redesigning their value proposition, go-to-market, and interaction model, operators find it increasingly difficult to differentiate between traditional drivers of customer choice. Instead, they have turned to customer experience as the key influencer. For example, Vodafone Germany has transformed their business to enable their path to digital transformation:
“It is the first time we have raised Vodafone’s organic EBITDA [earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization] guidance in recent history,” said Vittorio Colao, chief executive. Polo Tang, an analyst at UBS, said the company’s performance in the second quarter was ahead of expectations in almost every geography but notably in Germany and Spain.
Success lies in reimagining the end-to-end customer journey to create signature customer moments. Companies can accelerate the delivery of a new customer experience by implementing a seamless Omni channel experience, digitizing core business processes, deploying artificial-intelligence platforms to simplify customer interaction, and creating a more agile organization.
What can companies do to alleviate the squeeze on margins and create more value?
Major advances in data analytics, artificial intelligence, network equipment, and other technologies have rewritten the industry’s winning formula. With the newest software and hardware, along with digital-age management practices, mobile operators can achieve breakthrough cost savings and capital intensity while maintaining or even increasing their scale.
Many mobile operators have essential processes that are more complex and labor-intensive, and therefore costlier than they have to be. The Management consultants Mckinsey estimate that just 20 to 30 processes generate 45 percent of the average operator’s operating costs.
There are a lot of Telecommunications providers can do to improve businesses margins operationally. This can also be part of an even bigger over-arching strategy for CSPs to boost their bottom line. For example, increasingly, slow but stable growth Telcos (at Business School we called such businesses 'Cash Cows') are acquiring high growth and high margin content companies to increase their profits.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Adobe Global Marketing Conference

Having fun at the Adobe Marketing Conference, with the AMEX digital Marketing Team

Watching Vampire Weekend play at the Adobe event 

Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas - me at the Money Show

In the last 10 years, I've gained vast amounts of experience attending and setting up a large variety of Conferences in multiple business sectors and diverse locations; I've got good at assessing which are effective and which aren't; using both hard metrics and softer skills - the art and science of conferences. In the past, I've had to justify the budget to my Managers or CEOs so I've had to nail this. However, I'm a bit of a geek and enjoy doing these calculations. Therefore I will do them for my own benefit regardless.

At the Financial Traders Conference at the Money Show at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, I got to stay in the same hotel that 'The Hangover' was filmed in, which was great. I also played Poker, which I learned in the US and Craps. We got plenty of good leads but it was also the kind of crazy testosterone fuelled event that you'd expect from a bunch of financial traders; think 'Wolf of Wall Street'.

The Economics forum in Washington DC was fascinating; Paul Volcker, the ex-Federal Reserve Chairman spoke. I liked the city a lot, although I do like JFK's quip that 'DC is a city with northern charm and southern efficiency'. We were marketing a new Business intelligence tool called Datazoa, to business Economists at Government agencies, Research organization’s and Universities amongst others; our efforts secured new clients from Universities, Banks, and State Treasuries.

I've been to numerous shows in New York City, including Trading Software and most recently the Digital Analytics Association. I was also in Chicago for the Internet retailers conference. I would have liked to explore the city but on that occasion, I was so busy I pretty much never got out of the area my hotel and the event was in.

My all-time Favorite Conference would have to have been the Adobe Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah: We Set up 11 meetings in 4 days, all with C level decision makers at Fortune 500 Companies; Several of which were turned to new logos by our sales team. I went to see Vampire Weekend play live and had to top it off had my best day's skiing in 8 or 9 years, in Park City with a guy from London who now lives in Toronto.

I also made some great contacts on the ski day that I wasn't expecting; for example, heads of business divisions at Bell Canada, American Express, Verizon Wireless and the Gartner Group. 

Photo was taken by a colleague I was skiing with at Park City, Utah - the final (4th) day of the Adobe Marketing Conference

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Creating Sales Growth at your VC backed tech start-up

I have now been part of the Marketing teams of several start-ups that have proliferated and achieved phenomenal success, including:

Visual IQ, a Marketing Attribution Software provider (founded in 2006), was acquired by Nielsen last year for $2 Billion. 

Zscaler (founded in 2008), a cybersecurity software company, just had its IPO. Zscaler is currently valued at $50 Billion on the NASDAQ.

I have learned from being part of these successful teams and from previous experiences in the start-up ecosystem.

Hot Software businesses like Fintech and Cyber Security need marketers
 with smarts, training, experience and drive who can take a business to 'the next level'; whether that means faster growth, more sustainability or more significant revenue, or higher profits. 

Angel investors, VC funds and private equity investors demand individuals skilled in conducting market research, and strategy and who understand all marketing areas, including lead generation.

Here's my 7-point plan to create a promising start-up Marketing Strategy and then execute it:

1. E
nsure that you are on the same page as the person who has created your marketing strategy or, even better, create that Strategy yourself. So many problems occur when CMOs and CEOs or Investors do not agree on this. See 'Why CMOs never last.' 

2. Data; explore this and find out what is going on. Don't just rely on the facts you see. Talk with people and establish whether the data you see on paper matches what you are hearing. 

I have dealt with either no data or data that doesn't match reality. Don't devote hours and resources to creating complex models using lousy information. 

Even a fledgling Start-up will inevitably have had many failures already, and you can use this information to avoid making mistakes and model successful behavior. “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” —Michael Porter (See Porter's 5 Forces)

3. Targets - start thinking about what you are trying to accomplish. 

  • Is the problem that you have a weak brand? 
  • Is it that no one outside your core user group really understands your products? 
  • Do your competitors have an iron-grip in certain Regions or markets? 
  • Is it that you have weak growth? 
  • Are you sinking resources into the same old Marketing investments getting diminishing returns? 
  • Are you accurately measuring your Marketing investments? 
Establish what that core problem is and then drive solutions to that.

4. Create a plan around that. For example:

a. If the problem is that your sales team is not converting your good leads, then bring in added Business Intelligence. A remarkable tool for this is Discoverorg , which has a team of researchers calling companies and finding information that will enable you to identify opportunities quicker and more effectively.

Additionally, if you are not lead scoring already, I suggest you start doing this. This works because your sales team will immediately get alerted automatically when a lead reaches a specific 'threshold' score. 

So let's say that score is 100, then a lead from a company with $1 Billion revenue that has requested we contact them, is 'BANT' qualified and is the right target company and job title, that would automatically become a 'hot lead' at 100 points in your CRM system. 

A lead from a company on our target list would immediately be a 10. A Lead from a company that could be a target would be a 5. When that lead downloaded 3 critical reports in the last week, it became a 30, and so on. 

If the problem is that you need more leads to start with, then lots of high-quality gated content will generate more contacts for your database. 

Google Display and search ads are effective for inbound leads. LinkedIn lead generation campaigns are good value as you can get more highly targeted. Ensure you target your prospect audience (maybe with the 'matching' tool).

Inmail campaigns work very differently from sponsored content on LinkedIn. So, figure out what combinations work best for your business.

I would also work with the Marketing team to create compelling content, from videos to infographics, from case studies to white papers.

Below: Forrester 'Wave report' on Marketing attribution with my company 'Visual IQ' in the top right-hand quadrant.

In the past, we've created great content with Gartner or Forrester or, failing that, some other well-known research firm, like IDC. These are high-value pieces of content that your prospects will 'trade' their contact details with you to gain.

One idea that we have done very successfully in the past is an 'Industry report' based on surveys we send out. Usually, I use SurveyMonkey, which I was familiar with at Business School in 2006. 

CMO survey-backed report we ran every year at Visual IQ

Check out this Survey-based report on the State of in-video game advertising in 2022, that I created with Content strategist Damien Seaman. It's the first report of its kind created (check Gartner, Forrester, or IDC). It's based on survey responses from hundreds of thought leaders in Advertising, Ad Agencies, and Video Game companies.

Everyone is interested in what their colleagues are thinking about and sending these surveys out can also be an excellent way to reconnect with customers and prospects.

 'The Money Show', Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, where I ran an event for our Financial trading software tool.

Another highly effective area of Marketing I've managed over the last eleven years has been events. 

I have had some great successes in this regard, from the Money Show at Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, to the Adobe Marketing Conference in Salt Lake City, to the biggest Cyber Security event in Europe, Infosec, in London, UK. 

Not all companies employ rigorous financial analysis of the results here, so I have created an edge in this way. I write more on this subject here. 

We've had events that have generated thousands of leads, and business meetings that have created millions of pounds/dollars in sales.

Content from blogs can be effective. Ensure you optimize the content with important keywords to draw search traffic to your blog. Post on social media and wait for your blog's referral and search traffic to come to your site.

You need plenty of exciting content for this 'awareness' part of your content; think more about great ideas than flawless execution.

Also, your prospects value authenticity and originality. Keep blogs authentic and exciting. People know when they're simply being manipulated to buy something.

I have put together Ebooks, webcasts, industry reports, case studies, and infographics, all of which can be good sources of leads.

5. Ensure that everyone is on board with it. If the management team is not, then discuss it, and get to the bottom of the problem. 

Once you have agreed on the plan, then execute it relentlessly.

6. Analyze your results regularly, at least once every month, and pivot if they are insufficient. If it's not working, be honest and try something new.

The beauty of digital marketing is that you can A/B test continually to optimize all your metrics.

A typical A/B test 

Image result for a/b test example

Look at Key financial metrics, like ROMI - Return on Marketing Investment (NPV, IRR, Payback period, Customer Lifetime Value, Cost per Click, and Transaction conversion rate).

Monte Carlo simulation for a new product launch*

*Mark Jeffery Data-driven marketing Using Oracle's Crystal Ball' predictive analytics software with a random number generator, showing many possible variations of profit/loss for a marketing investment.

7. Finally, and most importantly, encourage criticism and make your entire company a safe place to share information and mistakes

You must make mistakes to take critical, calculated risks. But without listening to, and acknowledging criticism, you can't learn from your mistakes either.

Go to my website. or learn more about B2B SaaS sales & marketing here

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

House of Lords Cocktail Party

My friend and Law School classmate, Joanna Mcdwyer, formerly Head of government affairs at HSBC Bank, who is now Development Director at Newnham College, Cambridge.

Lord Maurice Saatchi, the founder of Saatchi & Saatchi and MC Saatchi, told us He only applied to one University. His message on the evening and now the world's shortest poem was 'LSE made me'.

In my case, I did apply to other colleges since I didn't assume I'd get into the LSE, particularly to study Law, which was highly competitive.

LSE now require significantly better A level grades, than when I applied, at least three A's now. But I'm not sure if that's because the students are higher calibre or because of the grade inflation everyone's been talking about.

Maurice Saatchi got a first at LSE, back when getting a first was very rare. He is also one of the greatest minds in advertising, author of the Iconic 'Labour isn't working' Campaign that ushered Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party into power in 1979.

As Maurice said himself, 'I left LSE with my first-class honours degree in economics. They did say to me that I possessed what they called "effortless superiority", and that has always worked very well for me'.

Here's a good piece about how he started in Marketing, working for Michael Heseltine, at Haymarket.

                                                       Lord Maurice Saatchi, below

There were prominent MPs, Peers, Academics and Executives from organizations like JP Morgan, HSBC, Fidelity Investments, Barclays Bank, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, AXA, Zurich, Wells Fargo, BP,  Mckinsey, PWC, and Accenture, at the event, to name some...

On the river outside the reception, from the House of Lords 

Me, outside the House of Lords



Thursday, December 22, 2016

Head of Linkedin UK about 'Coming out' at work

Joshua Graff, Linkedin’s UK Country Manager

I often attend events at my college, LSE, and sometimes bring colleagues or friends along.  I attended one such event at the LSE called 'An Audience with Linkedin’ with Joshua Graff, UK Country Manager & VP EMEA & LATAM.

I thought that Josh’s talk was particularly appropriate for June, which is gay pride month since Josh is a vocal and active supporter of LGBT rights as well as being an openly gay man in the workforce.

Initially, Joshua Graff talked about his vision for LinkedIn. Linkedin’s mission statement is to create economic opportunity for the entire Global Workforce. Of the 780 million Professionals worldwide, already 610 million have LinkedIn accounts, and that number is increasing rapidly.

Joshua then elucidated some of the more specific aims of the company which revolved around creating value through their talent solutions business (60% of Linkedin’s revenue), Marketing Solutions, including sponsored content (20%) and of course Premium Subscriptions (20%). 

All this is going to drive the company forward, particularly now that LinkedIn is part of Microsoft ($26 Billion acquisition by Microsoft of LinkedIn in December 2016).

Joshua moved on to a discussion of values. 50% of employees would not consider taking a job at a company unless they had visibility into its culture and what it stands for, so obviously this is important. LinkedIn espouses compassionate management, which is not necessarily empathy, but rather being able to imagine what it's like to do your colleague's job.

Josh said that empathy might debilitate you if you feel too much. However, understanding what, for example, your team members are going through will enable you to manage them much more effectively. As he put it, it's the valuable insight of 'walking a mile in someone else's shoes'.

Equally, he talked about Linked in’s culture of transparency. His discussion of this value was the most potent part of the talk for me since He shared his own deeply personal story of coming out as a gay man in the workforce.

When He first came out to his parents, he immediately went back 'into the closet'. 60% of Millennials and Generation X's in the workforce do precisely the same. On LinkedIn, He finally published a piece talking about his homosexuality and embraces that in the workforce today.

This value inspired me. According to research, workers who are more transparent about who they are, end up as more productive, more engaged and happier. I know that I'm more comfortable and more productive at work when I can be myself.

You can find his most recent article, 'Are you out on LinkedIn?’

As well as the first article he wrote on this subject 'Coming out accelerated my career trajectory.'